脊髓中風( Acute spinal infarction)

1. 脊髓中風是罕見的,大約占所有中風種類的0.3-1%,可以大致區分為upper (cervical) and lower (thoracolumbar) stroke。

2. 不同區段得血管彼此也有不錯的collateral suply: C1–T3 is supplied by the vertebral arteries, T3–T7 receives a branch from the intercostal arteries, T8 to the medullary conus is supplied by the Adamkiewicz artery and in some cases there is a medullary conus artery arising from the internal iliac artery.

3. The  reality  in neurology  departments  is  different  where  most  spinal cord strokes are spontaneous with no preceding surgery or aortic aneurysm.

4. 雖然心血管危險因子和spinal infarction得相關性比大腦中風來的小,不過歐洲guideline還是建議控制。

5. Lower  thoracolumbar  spinal  cord  strokes  are  more common than upper cervical strokes.

6. 在神經柯理面,spontaneous spinal infarction大約占所有spinal infarction 85%,其餘的都與aortic surgery or hypotension or aortic dissection有關。

7. Prognosis: 67%最後能恢復行走能力,不過整體而言的預後相對大腦中風是好的。

8. 長期而言,小於60歲的病人最後幾乎都能回到職場。

9.   Up  to  79%  of  spinal  cord  infarction  patients  report chronic pain on follow-up

1.  Spinal Cord Infarction in Clinical Neurology: A Review of Characteristics and Long-Term Prognosis in Comparison to Cerebral Infarction,  Eur Neurol 2016;76:95–98, DOI: 10.1159/000446700



Chest tube胸管置放術 in 小豬

